Conflict of Interest
Conflicts of interest occur when your own personal interests might be seen to conflict with those of the company or compromise your ability to make good business decisions. But would you recognize when a conflict occurs and know what to do if it does? Conflicts of Interest are not as black and white as one may think and that is why they are conflicts. Join us as we explore the challenge of conflicts of interest with a review of scenarios to better help you navigate through these times.
Accreditation: 1 Hour
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Ethics Hours
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters

Diversity & Culture in The Workplace
Diversity in the workplace leads to a plethora of benefits – both from an internal and external perspective. However, that doesn’t mean implementing diversity initiatives at work isn’t without its unique set of challenges. Join us as we talk about understanding the importance of diversity and culture, learning to communicate with different cultures, and how to diffuse cultural differences. All these skills can be used on your team and with clients!
Accreditation: 2 Hours
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Personal Skills
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters

Building Self Esteem
Everyone has moments where their self-esteem is challenged, I promise that you are not alone. This personal and interactive session starts to tap into some of your Negative Automatic Thoughts and helps you understand how you can retrain our brain to create more of a positive outcome, we suggest you bring a blank journal to use but we will provide some worksheets too 🙂

Tapping Into Your Unconscious Bias
Unconscious bias, also known as implicit bias, refers to a person's attitude or beliefs about others that happen without the person being aware of it. These biases are based on common facts or your past experiences that may affect how you think of things now. Human brains create a prejudice that affects our decision-making. Misinformation and stereotypes can have a negative effect on our attitudes.
Unconscious bias can be hard to address because they happen without you realizing it, hence the name "unconscious" bias. By understanding the various unconscious biases, a company manager can raise awareness in the workplace to be more inclusive of members to create a more diverse work environment. Recognizing unconscious bias in the workplace is important, and we are going to help you delve into this topic!
Accreditation: 3 Hours
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Personal Skills
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters

Social Media and Ethical Challenges
Social media is everywhere and it can challenge your ethical decisions. Workplace social media ethics calls for the involvement of both management and workers in maintaining proper social media use. Join us while we discuss social media and ethics and the challenges you may face while posting, networking and marketing both yourself and your organization on social media.
Accreditation: 1 Hour
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Ethics Hours
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters

Whistleblowing in The Workplace
Every workplace should have a policy in place for whistleblowing, and these whistleblowing procedures online course aims to highlight your organization's guidelines on this issue. This course is perfect for all employees who need to be aware of their rights and responsibilities when it comes to whistleblowing in the workplace and the laws surrounding it.
Accreditation: 1 Hour
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Ethics Hours
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters

Changing the Corporate Culture
Changing your organizational culture is the toughest task you will ever take on. Your organizational culture was formed over years of interaction among the participants in the organization. When people in an organization realize and recognize that their current culture needs to transform to support the organization's success and progress, change can occur. But change is not pretty and change is not easy.
Accreditation: 3 Hours
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Management Skills Hours
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters

Negotiation Skills & The Power of Persuasion
This webinar is addressed to all industry professionals who want to learn how to effectively continue their professional development and negotiate effectively. By the end of the course, learners will be able to understand and apply the 10 principles to achieve a win-win negotiation outcome.
Accreditation: 3 Hours
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Personal Skills
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters

Listening to Understand Not To Respond
Did you know that there is a difference between hearing and listening? There is! Have you ever been told that you just don't listen? Most people have at some point in their life, so you probably have experienced it as well.
This course explains the ins and outs of what good listening skills consist of, why they are important and how you can improve them.
Accreditation: 3 Hours
ON/MB: Accreditation: Personal Development
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters

Cyber Security Best Practices
In this quick 20 minute session, you will learn some tips to protect yourself and your organization as a remote worker. We will quickly review malware such as AZORult, Emotet and others in this unprecedented time and how COVID-19 has shown an increase in cyber attacks. You only need 20 minutes to possibly make a difference in your security.
Free with membership.

Note Taking Protect Your E&O
Note-taking is an art that is extremely important in our industry. What do we document? How do you say it? When can these notes be used?
Join us for a quick 30-minute session on note-taking and what to include in your notes as well as valuable tips to protect your E&O.
Exclusively for membership only.

Personal Branding & Networking
Personal Branding & Networking is an important part of our industry. Your personal brand is an indicator of your trustworthiness, integrity and eligibility. Whether you are starting your career, seeking suitable promotion or recruiting people to join you, your personal brand will influence the outcome.
This webinar will provide insights into the foundation and development of a personal brand strategy and guide you through developing your own personal brand. We will then assist you in creating a powerful online profile and tackle networking both online and traditionally through creating content and scheduling posts.
Accreditation: 3 Hours
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Personal Skills
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters

Conflict Management In The Workplace
Whether it be a co-worker, employee or client, encouraging people to work together toward a common goal is an essential skill that we should all possess. Conflict Resolution provides the tools and advice you need to restore peace, get along better with others, prevent conflicts from ever starting, and maintain better productivity while boosting morale. We will look at how to address conflicts, resolve disputes, and restore harmony and productivity to the workplace. We will also examine more positive means for resolving conflicts.
Accreditation: 3 Hours
ON/MB: Accreditation: Personal Development
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters

Essential Management Skills for the Insurance Professional Coming Soon
One of our best-selling programs this course is for any leader. Whether you have been in a leadership position for 10 years or getting ready to advance your career this interactive program will be the best investment you have ever made. Using your personalized Disc Management profile (included in the price of the program) we will deeply explore your Management style and how that assists you in directing and delegating others, motivating your team, developing all team members and even working with your own manager.
Accreditation: 15 RIBO Management Hours

Taking Your Time Back
Do you feel like time is getting away? Are you always wondering why there is not enough hours in a day? Well, you need to take your time back! Join Melanie in discussing what is negatively affecting your time management and how you can make changes. We will talk about common roadblocks to effective time management and how to conquer them. Numerous tips and worksheets provided for you to utilize our tips moving forward!
Accreditation: 3 Hours
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Personal Skills
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters

Weathering the Email Storm
Is email communication getting you down? Frustrated with the mass amount of emails in your inbox and the lengthy games of email tag? Wondering how you can get people to respond to what you need without a dozen follow-ups? Well this session is for you! Join us as we teach you how to navigate through the communication of all kinds with a focus on email. Emails are such a critical part of daily existence and dealing with emails can be frustrating and time-consuming. By the end of this session, you will gain greater confidence that the emails you are sending are professional and get the responses you need in a timely fashion!
Accreditation: 1 Hour
ON/BC Accreditation: Personal Hours
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters

Business Ethics For The Insurance Professional
Join us as we discuss what ethics really means while we analyze the grey areas of ethical expectations within the context of corporate decision-making and ethical business practice. Explore the elements of decision-making that are directly affected by ethical considerations and social expectations using case scenario examples and more.
Accreditation: 1 Hour
ON/BC/MB Accreditation: Ethics Hours
SK: All classes other than Life / General
AB: General and Adjusters