If you purchased a course and later find that it is not available in your account, our support team can resolve this for you. However, it is possible that after an extended time away from your course can result in your account being logged out for security reasons....
Telephone access to a tutor is included with all packages. Please use our contact page options to schedule a call.
In addition to the username that you picked when you created your account, you can also login by entering your e-mail address in the username box. If you continue to have issues please use our live chat support.
Course content varies from course to course and can go from and hour to many hours of content. For example the OTL Licensing Course has 43 lessons which include presentations, quizzes, assignments and 5 agent practice exams. Even if a student was to spend 30 minutes...
Licencing programs are available for a full 6 months from the time of purchase. Please note: Professional Development individual courses are available for one year. Professional Development Program Bundle Membership is a two-year annual...